Still a lot to learn

I just registered to get a WindowsPhone 7 developer account and in this process they send you an email. So normally you have to click on some link to confirm that you got the mail, and this is the same case here. But the guys over at Microsoft wrote the email in such a way that it first goes into your spam folder and then Thunderbird tell you it is scam because they have html links in it that point to other urls as they are displaying.

The display
and in real they goto

All I can say to that is "idiots"

CentOS Pulse #1005 - The CentOS Newsletter


I am proud to announce another version of the CentOS Newsletter. This
release is packed with information from the Community for the
Community. We have an interesting interview and have introduced a new
section in which we monitor Twitter, to obtain further feedback. As
usual, there are the jokes and tips.

You can read the English newsletter at:

Further thanks to our great community we also have the translations:

Traditional Chinese:
Simplified Chinese:

More information about the newsletter and how you can contribute is
available from:

We always welcome comments and suggestions :)

Enjoy the read.

The Newsletter Team