I will not be going to LA

I applied for a ticket for Michael Jackson's funeral. But today I got
Thank you for your registration.

Sorry, we regret to inform you that your registration to attend the Public Memorial Service for Michael Jackson was not selected.

Hundreds of thousands registered, but only a few can be in attendance.
TV it is

A webOS that seams to work

I am always looking for a good WebOS that I could use from a few thin clients. Listing to Stallman talk about Cloud computing I had a look at eyeos which is definatelly worth a look. It seams to work but still quite slow but definatelly moving into the right direcion.

Horrible ad

I was just watching the news and then I saw this ad:


A rough translation is:
Man: "You know, overtime is a part of your job"
Woman: "But you could at least say thank you"

Man: "You didn't work THAT good"
Woman "what, 20% more trade is nothing?"

Man: "In this economic downturn you should be happy that you still have a job"

Woman: "You too, the software is not even legal"

Person: "There are good reasons to report illegal software"

How can people air this? So basically, if you are not happy with your boss tell on him. That will really make you keep your job. Because if your company is doing bad, because it has to pay a massive settlement you will really get that raise. FFS did those people not go to school. But I suppose the people from the BSA are too stupid to realise what they are doing. But of course the software companies might go out of business if they don't get any money, but don't do it like this. I would really like to talk to one of these people.

Mailing list error

For the last day I was complaining about that I could not post on the libdbook mailing list. I could not figure out why. But this morning it became clear to me. I had changed the default send-to in my gmail. The libdbook mailing list didn't know that mail and didn't let me post. DAAAAAA. It didn't help that the list didn't reply with "unknown email", it send a "list not found" error. So it is not that easy to change your email.